A Dental Day in the Life of Olive

Hey everyone, my name is Olive and my mom is a top-notch nurse here at Aurora Animal Clinic. I’m here to talk to you about my big day here at the clinic. So let’s jump right in.

8:00 am
I arrived at the clinic and headed straight for my favourite home. It has the comfiest bed and the best view to watch my mom work. She’s a busy bee, and I love to watch her and my aunties at the clinic work to help other pets.

Mom had pinched me a little while ago, and now I was starting to feel funny. There were these super cute elephants running around the ceiling too. Before I knew it, I had passed out. Now, normally the doctors would have done some bloodwork to make sure my insides could take the anesthesia. But I was well prepared and had done all that before even coming for my big day. My blood came back with a great score, happily, my internal organs were ready for surgery.

3:30 pm
I woke up so warm and snuggly in my mom’s arms. My mouth felt kinda funny, in some ways better, and in others, it felt like I was missing something.

Well, either way, it was a fun day, and now my teeth shine brighter than stars. That’s the only way for a superstar like me to have her precious pearls, bright and white.

*Olive had her teeth cleaned and polished and had 2 of her pre-molars removed.

Written by: Aurora Animal Clinic