Blog: Services


Our clinic offers state of the art digital radiology and dental radiology. We have the ability to enlarge and enhance radiographs to assist in accurate and rapid diagnosis. As well, we can share radiographs with board-certified specialists to gain an expert opinion on challenging cases.



These are surgeries (including desexing), which deal with tissues other than bones and joints. Some procedures that we perform more commonly include removal of tumours in or under the skin, soft palate surgery, anal gland removal, aural hematoma surgery and abscess drainage. Operations within the abdomen include removal of foreign...


Euthanasia may be one of the hardest decisions you will ever have to make. We will be with you and support you every step of the way. We offer euthanasia to our clients to provide a peaceful and pain-free way to honour the life of your cat due to illness...


Flea and Tick Control

Fleas and ticks are quite common in Ontario. If you have a cat that goes outside it is at risk of picking up both of these external parasites.