Blog: Cat

Neutering and Spaying

Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures performed under general anesthesia by a veterinarian to remove the reproductive organs.

Kitten Vaccinations

Newborn kittens develop immunity from serious diseases by nursing from their mother. This immunity typically lasts a few minutes.



These are surgeries (including desexing), which deal with tissues other than bones and joints. Some procedures that we perform more commonly include removal of tumours in or under the skin, soft palate surgery, anal gland removal, aural hematoma surgery and abscess drainage. Operations within the abdomen include removal of foreign...

Parasite Control and Prevention

Young kittens and outside cats are most prone to intestinal parasites. Kittens can get intestinal parasites from nursing from an infected mother cat. Outside cats often pick up parasites from their rodent prey and other outdoor cats.