Let’s Get Corney

“An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.” – Martin Buber

You’ve taken your pet in to see the veterinary clinic and are told your loved one has a corneal abrasion.

What does that mean?

Well, a corneal abrasion is when the outer layer of the eyeball (the cornea) gets scratched or punctured (ulcers). Your veterinarian can use tools and techniques such as:

  • A fluorescein Dye Test – A neon green stain that attaches to the layers below the cornea, allowing doctors to see holes and scratches.
  • A Schirmer Tear Test – This test tells doctors what each eye’s ability to produce tears looks like.
  • An Ophthalmoscope – This hand-held tool has a lens that allows doctors to look closely at the eye.

Common causes?

  • Foreign bodies: like sticks, stones, dirt.
  • Entropion: this is when the eyelids turn in, towards the eyeball. Which also causes the eyelashes to turn in and scratch the surface.
  • Trauma: can be caused by nails while scratching or playing.
  • Dry eye: a lack of eye lubrication can cause scratches along the cornea.

Not to fear, with the right amount of care and time, your pet’s eyes can continue to sparkle.

Written by Rachael Russell, Veterinary Technician